Wixted Cleaning’s Office Spring Cleaning Check List

Office Spring Cleaning Checks
Published by Conal Wixted on 05th April 2022 | Cleaning Guides and Tips

Spring is here, which means it’s probably time for some overdue cleaning. If you’re responsible for keeping your business premises clean and hygienic for everyone who works and visits, then this spring cleaning checklist will help.

Dust off counters and cabinets

First on our list is dealing with dust on common surfaces. Not just the easy to reach areas like counter tops and desks, but the tops of cabinets that are higher up and often out of reach. Our approach would be to remove all items from the surface and use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe every inch of the area clean

When dusting counters, cabinets and worktops, it’s also a great time to store away, file, recycle or dispose of any clutter or unneeded items that have been piling up.

Clean out bins

Rubbish and recycling bins are an essential part of the workplace without which we couldn’t properly function. Often used with plastic bin sacks that are emptied and replaced, the problem is that dirt and grime can build up in bins allowing germs to develop.

So, during the spring cleaning season, bins should be properly cleaned out and sanitised.

This can be done using hot water and a liquid disinfectant. Use a brush to scrub the entire surface of the bin – ideally inside and out – and focusing on the bottom part. For the lid, use an antibacterial spray, then wipe until dry with a soft cleaning rag.

Consider using a commercial office cleaning service for this one. Otherwise, you’ll be spending a lot of time that could be better spent on other tasks.

Restock public areas

Office workers rely a lot on public areas, whether it’s the bathroom, kitchen, meeting rooms or other communal areas. These areas need a full stock of supplies to keep the rooms functioning.

This includes (depending on the area) hand gel, tissues, soap, paper towels, toilet roll and other consumable items that may be used regularly and need replenishing.

Vacuum the carpets

It’s recommended to find a professional cleaning company with an industrial grade vacuum cleaner to cover your carpeted areas. Giving a carpet a thorough going over can transform the look of a room.

Of course, if your business generates a lot of dust or dirt in normally daily operations, staff should always be encouraged to clean up at the end of each day. This inevitably leaves some areas that don’t get as much attention as they should, which is why a periodical deeper clean is needed.

Mop floors

Just as important as vacuuming carpets, hard floors must be thoroughly cleaned too. The best way to clean hard floors is to use either a mechanical floor cleaner or a traditional mop and approach it section by section.

By doing so, each area can be left to dry without the risk of people walking through it.

If using a regular mop, mix warm water with a cleaning agent and fill a bucket until it’s half-full. Make sure that the mop is entirely submerged in the water for a consistent clean. If it’s been a while since the mop was last used, it’s best to soak it beforehand. 

Desktops and desktop items

Office workers often spend most of their time working at their desks. But as well as working, they often eat lunch at their desk, with the result that crumbs, and other food particles can get everywhere. In fact, as we explained in our last article on office cleaning, desktops can be among the dirtiest places in the entire office.

Start by removing all items from the desk, then use a damp, clean microfiber cloth to wipe the whole surface and then disinfect everything by wiping down the surface and all desktop items, especially phones and keyboards.

Kitchen areas

Office kitchen areas can be a breeding ground for germs.

While kitchens are often cleaned regularly, they are a great candidate for Spring deep cleaning treatment.

There are so many places where food and other waste can collect and go off, such as under cabinets, behind the fridge and in the microwave. Sometimes, food belong to staff is left unused and unclaimed for weeks or months, so should be cleared out. Once cupboards are cleared and remaining items removed, all shelves can be sanitised.

Other small kitchen appliances like the kettle and toaster should be cleaned and sanitised too. And don’t forget about cupboard handles, which see a lot of use during the workday (often by dirty hands) so can benefit from being wiped down.


Electronic items generate static and so attract a lot of dust. Cooling fans on desktop PCs are a great example.

So as part of any Spring clean routine, it’s worth checking and dusting down electronic equipment such as PCs and printers to get rid of as much dust as possible. Pay close attention to areas that aren’t usually visible.

To finish up

There’s plenty to get started with now that the time for Spring cleaning has arrived.

Don’t forget: if time is short and precious or you, think about hiring a commercial office cleaning company to do your Spring cleaning for you. Wixted Cleaning is ready to take your call and provide a transparent quote for our cleaning services so you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your offices and staff will benefit from a clean and hygienic environment.